LocationPortland, OR 97233 Call(503) 734-5683

Questions We Are Regularly Asked

If you are currently staring at a mounting list of repair jobs that need to be done in your home, consider hiring a professional handyman repair service such as Mones Contractor, instead of contacting multiple contractors. Our reliable handymen can supply high-quality services and you can read more in this questions and answers article, which includes a comprehensive list of all the services, in addition to what return you can expect when you hire them.

Why hire your company?

Our reliable handyman service has been providing the residents of Portland, OR with precision workmanship, at affordable prices since 2013. However, our experienced handymen have thirty years of experience and know everything the all the local building codes and safety regulations.

Does the company accept debit or credit cards?

No, we take checks and cash.

Does the company only offer its services only to the residents of Portland, OR?

No, our professional handyman service covers West Slope, OR; and the surrounding areas. Call to ask if your area can be included in this list.

Has the BBB given the company an A+ rating?

They have indeed.

Does the company only work with residential customers?

No, we also work with commercial clients.

Is the company licensed or insured?

Yes, we have them both. We do not recommend inviting anybody to work on your home unless they have both of these or be it on your own head!

What about discounts?

Our new clients will all receive a 5% discount.

What services can the company offer me?

Please read the following list:

Inquiries are welcomed. If you would like to discuss any of our services in further detail, call our experts at the number we have included in the conclusion of this article.

What are the opening hours of Mones Contractor?

We are available at the following times:

Monday through to Friday: 8 AM to 4 PM

Saturday & Sunday – Closed

Are appointments necessary?

No, but our handymen will often have a lot to discuss, not to mention performing an inspection of the area that you want us to work on which takes time, making an appointment would be prudent.

Can I get a free estimate?

Yes, of course, you will get one that you can compare against other bids you receive from other companies in the vicinity, but, if you do speak to one that wants to charge you, no matter how small, be wary, or, our advice, walk away.

Has the company had any feedback?

Yes, there are some littered about our home page, the rest is on the testimonials page, check there if you want further information on our company.

In conclusion to our questions and answers post. If you would like to make an appointment with one of our reliable handyman repair providers, or, have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us today at this number (503) 734-5683 within our business hours.

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